Therapeutic Category
- Pharmaceutical Form : Eye Drops
- Composition : Sulphacetamide Sodium 100 mg/ 1 ml
- Active Substance : Sulphacetamide Sodium
Properties :
Sulfonamides exerts a bacteriostatic effect against a wide range of gram positive and gram negative organism includin pyogeniccocci,gonococci, escherichia coli and koch’s bacillus, by restricting through competition with bara-aminobenzoic acid, the synthesis of Folic acid which bacteria require for growth
Indications :
Sulphacetamide Medico is indicated for the treatment of conjunctivitis, corneal ulcer and other superficial ocular infections due to suscep-tible microorganisms, and as adjunctive treatment in systemic sulfonamide therapy of trachoma
Contra-Indications :
Hypersensitivity to sulfonamides .
Adverse reactions :
* Rarely may causes stevens-Johnson syndrome and systemic lupus
*Sulphacetamide Medico drops may causes transient local irritation, stinging and burning .
Warning :
A significant percentage of staphylococcal isolates are completely resistant to sulfa drugs .
Precautions :
* Sulfonamid preparations are incompatible with silver prepa- ration .
* Nonsusceptible organisms, including fungi may proliferate with the use of this preparation .
* If signs of sensitivity or other untowerd reactions occur discontinue use of the preparation .
* Sulphacetamide Medico are inactivated by the amino-benzoic acid present inpurulent exudaties .
Dosage & Administration :
1 -2 drops into conjunctival sac every 2 – 3 hours during the day .
Note : once opened the drops must not be used for longer than one month .
Storage Condition :
Store at temperature below 25°C , protect from light .
Packaging :
Bottle of 10 ml.