Therapeutic Category
- Pharmaceutical Form : Cream
- Composition : Fluocinolone Acetonide 0.25 mg + Vioform 30 mg / 1 g
- Active Substance : Fluocinolone Acetonide+ Vioform
Properties :
Vioform effectively inhibits the growth of various mycotic organisms such as microsporons , trichophytons , and candida albicans and Gram- positive cocci such as staphylococci and entercocci .
Fluocinolone Acetonide is a Corticosteroid used topically in the treatment of Various dermic diseases .
Combination Fluocinolone Acetonide and Vioform provide broad control of acute and chronic dermatosis .
Indications :
Vio’cinolone is used for the treatment of : contact or atopic dermatitis , impetiginized eczema , nummular eczema , infantile eczema , endogenous chronic infective dermatitis , stasis dermatitis , pyoderma , unchal eczema , chronic eczematoid external otitis , localized or disseminated neurodermatitis . chronic simplex lichen , anogenital pruritus (vulval , scrotal , anal ), bacterial dermatosis , mycotic dermatosis such as tinea (cephalic , crural , corporal , pedal ) , moniliasis , intertrigo .
Contra-indications :
-Hypersensitivity to any of the components product
-Tuberculosis of the skin
-Most viral skin lesions including( herpes simplex , vaccinia and varicella )
Precautions :
-Vio’cinolone should not be used in children under 2 years of age .
– Should not be used on pregnant patients in large amounts or for Prolonged periods of time .
-The possibility of medicine absorption should be kept in mind when treating the extensive cutaneous lesions.
Adverse reactions :
Rarely rash and hypersensitivity may accur .
The following adverse reactions have been reported with topical corticosteroids , especially under occlusive dressings : burning , itching , irritation dryness , hypertrichosis , acneform neruption , hypopigmentation , perioral dermatitis , allergic contact dermatitis , maceration of skin , secondary infection , skin atrophoderma , striae ,miliaria .discontinue therapy if any of those effects occurs .
Dosage & Administration :
– Apply a thin layer to the affected areas (3 – 4) times daily . The ointment is best used for dry lesion accompanied by thickness and scaling of the skin .
The cream because of its slight drying effect , is primarily useful for moist weeping lesions .
Packing :
Vio’cinolone : cream and ointment : tube of 20 & 40 gr